
Showing posts from September, 2017

Travel Ban on Chad?

This article is about the Travel Ban that Trump is imposing on Chad.  " Mr. Trump accepted the recommendation of Elaine C. Duke, his acting secretary of Homeland Security, to include Chad in the travel ban after she wrote in a classified report that the country had done too little to crack down on Islamic extremists." Trump's racism is ridiculous.  When the travel ban occurred earlier in the year there were riots.  So many protests happened just outside of so many airports going against Trump's administration.  I was one of those many activists that were at LAX saying that the ban was ridiculous and unfair.  Denying anyone access to this country is not what America is about.  We are a country founded on immigrants.  We are a country that accepts everyone for their race or religion or who they befriend.  Now saying that "Chad didn't do enough against the Islamic community" just isn't a reason to deny anyone access to this country.   https://www.n

Nuclear Weapons

As the United Nations General Assembly gathered this past week and the main issue discussed was nuclear weapons.  This was brought up literally a day after President Donald Trump "vowed to totally destroy North Korea if it threatened the United States or any of our allies".  " Leaders from around the globe began adding their signatures to a treaty that bans nuclear weapons  , although the world’s nine nuclear-armed countries declined to sign it and denounced it as dangerously naïve."  I don't know if would completely agree with the signing of the treaty is being  naïve, but the whole "totally destroying North Korea" is completely childish. It's basically Trump playing a taunting game with North Korea. Let's face it, our President is basically a child in a grown man's cheetopuff body and wants any reason to start a war because he thinks that's how one solves all the worlds problem. His statement full of taunt.  It's like a child sayi

Just What Egypt Needed?

Apparently over time, tourism in Egypt has declined, and thanks to this new find, Egypt might be facing new tourists in the near future.   According to Egypt's Antiquities minister. Khaled el-Enany, this was just what Egypt needed and that the find will be good for marketing.  The discovery was a relatively modest one, but in a country that has been trying to revive its tourism industry, which has been decimated by political strife and terrorist attacks after the 2011 uprising, officials announced the find with fanfare. “This find is important for marketing,” Egypt’s antiquities minister, Khaled el-Enany, said at a news conference outside the tomb on Saturday. “This is exactly what Egypt needs.” The major find was a tomb containing the corpse of Royal Goldsmith, Amenemhat who was dated to live sometime during the 18th dynasty (1567-1320 B.C.E.). He dedicated his work to Amon-Re who was the powerful deity at the time.  The dig was excavated by a group of Egyptian archaeologist


The United Nation has banned a group of investigators because have reasons to believe that Burundi's leaders AND state security agencies have committed crimes against humanity.  According to this article, for over two years, Burundi military and police members have raped and tortured activists and those who appose the President.  These victims have either been taken into secret detentions centers or have escaped into  neighboring countries.   " A panel of investigators set up by the United Nations Human Rights Council a year ago said on Monday that it delivered a list of suspects to the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights and was giving the Security Council another list of people it said should face sanctions. It urged the International Criminal Court to open an inquiry." Burundi's President, Mr.  Nkurunziza, was never actually singled out as a suspect for these allegations.  However it was said that "the panel attributed the crimes to the h