Just What Egypt Needed?

Apparently over time, tourism in Egypt has declined, and thanks to this new find, Egypt might be facing new tourists in the near future.  
According to Egypt's Antiquities minister. Khaled el-Enany, this was just what Egypt needed and that the find will be good for marketing. The discovery was a relatively modest one, but in a country that has been trying to revive its tourism industry, which has been decimated by political strife and terrorist attacks after the 2011 uprising, officials announced the find with fanfare.

“This find is important for marketing,” Egypt’s antiquities minister, Khaled el-Enany, said at a news conference outside the tomb on Saturday. “This is exactly what Egypt needs.”

The major find was a tomb containing the corpse of Royal Goldsmith, Amenemhat who was dated to live sometime during the 18th dynasty (1567-1320 B.C.E.). He dedicated his work to Amon-Re who was the powerful deity at the time.  The dig was excavated by a group of Egyptian archaeologists. "Amenemhat’s tomb was found in Draa Abul-Naga, a necropolis for noblemen and rulers near the Valley of the Kings, on the left bank of the Nile River."



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