Slave Trade? Really? Still?

"In recent days we have all been horrified by images of African migrants being sold as 'goods' in Libya," said UN Secretary-General António Guterres said. Guterres, former head of the UN agency on refugees, added, "slavery and other such egregious abuses of human rights have no place in the 21st century."

I'm gonna stand on my soapbox and rant for a little bit.  Why is slave trade still a thing in 2017? When looking up the definition of human trafficking, it says: the action or practice of ILLEGALLY  transporting people from one country or area to another, typically for the purposes of forced labor or commercial sexual exploitation. It says illegally...why is this still happening? You would think that now that we are in the year 2017 that people would be able to look back on history you'd see that  this is something EVERYONE with a brain or soul is against. This should not be happening. No one should have to be in the middle of this.  No one should have to fear for their lives thinking that at any moment that they could be abducted and transported to some place they are not familiar with to be God knows what to God knows who that is obviously sick in the head.


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